
Botify provides a REST API to integrate Botify into third-party applications and allow to use almost any data available in the Botify interface or via the Botify Chrome Extension.

Use cases

The basic idea of the API is to give you the pieces you need to integrate Botify into your own solutions to keep your website optimized and your team focussed on improving your SEO performance.

  • Go deeper into the analysis of your website as the API allows you to get the metrics YOU want that could be not available in the Botify application.
  • Keep your internal dashboards up-to-date with the most recent data on your website.
  • Get an overview of all your websites.
  • Complement Botify data with other sources like Google Search Console, Majestic SEO or even sales results, product inventory, etc.
  • Show alerts in your CMS regarding some page’s content to keep your SEO optimized.
  • Create reports for your marketing, product or engineering team.
  • Automatically generate sitemaps to make Google awared of new URLs or newly updated or fixed URLs.
  • Rise some alerts in internal monitoring solutions when new issues occurs on your website (increase of errors, unexpected changes in internal linking, etc).
  • Develop some non regression systems to ensure that evolutions on your website won’t effect your SEO performance.
  • … and more, it’s up to you!


For now, the Botify API is only pulling data from Botify Analytics, meaning that you can get any data related to an analysis.
Current technical possibilities of the Botify API include:

  • List your Botify Analytics projects and analyses.
  • Get live statistics while Botify Analytics is crawling your website.
  • Compute insights: i.e. number of compliant URLs, number of active URLs, number of pages crawled by Google, average depth, etc.
  • Aggregate URLs data to create custom charts and metrics.
  • Search for URLs matching a filter, based on any indicator or URL patterns.
  • Get information about any URL crawled by Botify Analytics: HTTP status code, load time performance, number of inlinks, of outlinks, of organic visits, presence in sitemaps, internal pagerank, etc.
  • Get information about other URLs including orphan URLs, top external domains your website links to, URLs found in your sitemaps.
  • Export URLs
  • … and more

Current limitations

It is not possible to get data from the Botify Log Analyzer dashboard yet, thus you can’t get the number of unique/total crawls day by day for now.
However, you can get search engines crawl data as shown in the Botify Analytics report’s Search Engines tab. This data is computed on the last of 30 days of logs and is available only for analyzed URLs (URLs in your Botify Analytics project’s crawl scope).

Data Aggregation

The Botify API isn’t working in a way where you would request a specific chart. Instead, you’ll use BQL (Botify Query Language) to perform aggregations and filters on analyzed URLs.
It means that it’s much more powerful because you are able to compute any metric and generate any chart you want including some that aren’t in the Botify interface.