
Google Analytics is used to compute the number of visits by URL, therefore whenever an URL is active or not. This data is mainly used for the Visits tab of the Botify Analytics Report.
Visits Orphan URLs are URLs not in your website structure (or in the scope of your crawl) but which received visits according to Google Analytics.

URLs datamodel fields

Visits feature’s fields.

Examples of Aggregation

The following examples use URLs aggregation to metrics regarding main data.
Note: All the following results are only computed on analyzed URLs (URLs crawled by Botify)

Number of active URLs

  "filters": {
    "field": "",
    "predicate": "gt",
    "value": 0
  "aggs": [
      "group_by": [
      "metrics": [
          "avg": "inlinks_internal.nb.follow.unique"

Number of active/not active URLs by depth

  "aggs": [
      "group_by": [

Get metadata

Visits feature metadata includes:
- imported data timeframe.
- data sample info.
- orphans URLs counts.


  • Operation: getAnalysisSummary
  • Path: analyses/{username}/{project_slug}/{analysis_slug}
  • HTTP Verb: GET
  • Response: Analysis
curl "${username}/${project_slug}/${analysis_slug}" \
     -X GET \
     -H "Authorization: Token ${API_KEY}" \
     -H "Content-type: application/json"


In the response, you can find the imported visits timeframe with date_start and date_end properties.
Plus, you can get the number of orphan URLs with the unknown property. For instance, the number of orphan URLs for Google can be found in
Note: If feature is not enabled, features.visits resolves to null.
Note: For analyses prior to August 2016, the feature is named ganalytics. Related information can be found in features.ganalytics.

An extract of the response could be the following.

  "features": {
    "visits": {
      "ganalytics_site_id": 111513424,
      "date_start": "2016-02-08",
      "date_end": "2016-03-09",
      "sampled": true,
      "sample_size": 30227156,
      "sample_percent": "72.89999999999999",
      "unknown": {
        "organic": {
          "all": {
            "nb_urls": 1390,
            "nb_visits": 438020
          "google": {
            "nb_urls": 1334,
            "nb_visits": 437022
          "bing": {
            "nb_urls": 36,
            "nb_visits": 221
          "baidu": {
            "nb_urls": 1,
            "nb_visits": 2
        "social": {
          "all": {
            "nb_urls": 1241,
            "nb_visits": 54604
          "facebook": {
            "nb_urls": 300,
            "nb_visits": 38437
          "twitter": {
            "nb_urls": 48,
            "nb_visits": 525

Get a sample of the Orphan URLs

  • Operation: getGanalyticsOrphanURLs
  • Path: analyses/{username}/{project_slug}/{analysis_slug}/features/ganalytics/orphan_urls/{medium}/{source}
  • HTTP Verb: GET
  • Response: Pagination<OrphanURL>
curl "{username}/{project_slug}/{analysis_slug}/features/ganalytics/orphan_urls/{medium}/{source}" \
     -X GET \
     -H "Authorization: Token ${API_KEY}" \
     -H "Content-type: application/json"

The response could be the following. You can at most get a sample of 1000 orphan URLs. The second number for each URL is the total number of visits.

  "count": 1000,
  "page": 1,
  "size": 100,
  "results": [